Posts by Category: SHORT POSTS

“If you are an approval addict, your behaviour is as easy to control as that of any other junkie. All a manipulator need do is a simple two-step process: Give you what you crave, and then threaten to take it away. Every drug dealer in the world plays this game. -Harriet B. Braiker Have you ever felt like you’re constantly chasing approval, like it’s the fuel that keeps you going? That quote by Harriet B. Braker truly struck a chord with me. The desire for approval is like being hooked on a drug.  No matter how much you receive, you’re always craving that next hit of validation. I’ve realized that at the core of approval addiction lies a lack of self-awareness. We’re so focused on seeking external validation that we forget who we truly are. Have you ever found yourself bending over backwards for people who don’t appreciate you? It’s […]

“All that you give to yourself you are giving to others.” Anthony de Mello Let’s talk ultimatums. They’re like ominous storm clouds looming on the horizon, casting a shadow over everything– threatening, restrictive, and honestly, passive-aggressive. Imagine being the one dishing out these ultimatums to yourself. Sounds grim, right? Well, that was my gig for a while; I was the master of self-inflicted ultimatums, constantly boxing myself into corners. It was all part of my perfectionistic paradox–an “all or nothing” mantra. If I couldn’t have it all, I’d settle for nothing. Talk about setting myself up for disappointment. “Either this guy is ‘the one,’ or I’m swearing off dating forever.”“Either I snag this promotion, or I’m storming out of this job.”“Either I stick to this diet religiously, or I’m doomed to be a failure for eternity.” Pretty harsh, huh? So why did I continue to subject myself to this mental […]

Have you ever wondered if the Internet reflects our collective dissatisfaction? It’s a question that’s been swirling around in my mind lately, as I navigate the vast expanse of online spaces. Sometimes, it feels like every click leads me to another manifestation of human discontent. Scrolling through social media feeds, it’s hard to ignore the barrage of negativity. People venting frustrations, airing grievances, and engaging in heated arguments over seemingly trivial matters. It’s like a digital echo chamber, amplifying our discontent until it feels overwhelming. But it’s not just social media. The Internet, in its entirety, seems to be a reflection of our dissatisfaction with the world. We seek out news articles that confirm our biases, feeding into a cycle of outrage and indignation. We flock to forums and comment sections to voice our frustrations, often hiding behind the anonymity of a screen. And yet, despite all this discontent, we […]

“There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” -Aristotle Handling criticism has always been a struggle for me, probably more than for most people. I, like many, used to get defensive at the slightest hint of feedback, feeling like I was under attack. It was like I wore a “victim” label, refusing to own up to my mistakes or acknowledge any room for improvement. But I’ve come to understand that criticism is essential for growth. It’s not about being attacked; it’s about breaking out of our comfort zones and becoming better versions of ourselves. One of my triggers used to be the question, “Why do you do it that way?” It would instantly put me on the defensive, ready to argue my case. However, I’ve learned some valuable tips along the way to handle criticism more constructively. “As a matter of fact, we […]